Are you looking for the perfect baby shower gift? If you want to do more than just the run-of-the mill blankets and bottles, check out the tutuorial below. All you need is ribbon, paper, a knitting hoop and a way to cut your shapes (Cricut or a hand puncher.)
Are you looking for the perfect baby shower gift? If you want to do more than just the run-of-the mill blankets and bottles, check out the tutuorial below. All you need is ribbon, paper, a knitting hoop and a way to cut your shapes (Cricut or a hand puncher.)

(Photo courtesy of Grant and Deb Photography)
(I must mention that Grand and Deb are fabulous photographers if you are looking for one!)
The How-To:
First, spray paint the hoop white (use the inner circle of the crochet hoop so the metal latch doesn't ruin the look.)
Second, punch your shapes and assemble each one until you get the look that you want. I used this flower punch.
Then, thread the flowers (I alternated shapes- flower then a white polka-dot) onto fishing wire using a sewing needle and attach each strand of four flowers and three polka-dots to the white hoop.
After hanging all twelve strands, attach your ribbon to the top and you're all done!
Note: It is important to note that you have to balance the strands. Make sure that the strands that hang directly across from one another mimic one another.
This would be the perfect gift if you are attending a shower for a second child (when Mom has all she needs from the first child.)
Good luck!